Thursday, May 16, 2013

This Week!!!!

Hello family!!! It was great to hear your voices again!!! I´m so EXCITED FOR YOU NATHAN----you are going to be such an amazing missionary--I know it!!

 My companion let me talk to his brother--it was pretty awesome. He sure is a great missionary--Elder Boccia--he is from Parana Brasil. When he was younger he used to travel to Paraguay buy things there and then return to Brasil and sell them for a lot more--this is how he earned money to serve here on the mission.

This last week, Isabela, age 17 sang for the beginning of sacrament meeting. Elder Boccia baptized her since it was his first baptism--we are now trying to baptize the rest of her family. This week Elder Boccia and I had the chance to give a lady a priesthood blessing and afterwards she felt completely better she said--it was pretty neat. She then came to church and it was great to see her there. Elder Hatch helped me teach the English class on Saturday and he played Waterfall on the piano--basically perfectly for everyone and they all loved it--the size of the English class has diminished a lot lately. I love to buy powdered milk and make it with water here in the house because the milk here is really expensive---my powdered milk with the packets of oatmeal were SUPER DELICIOUS---thank you family.

I love being able to listen to music and feeling the Spirit of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. We had an awesome family home evening this week that the Elders and I planned!  We invited two inactive families that have been inactive for four years and THEY CAME!! The father of the one family CAME TO CHURCH, HE MOVED HIS RECORDS INTO THE NEW WARD AND WE MARKED ANOTHER FAMILY NIGHT IN HIS HOUSE TOMORROW WITH THE BISHOP --I am so glad to have had the chance to be help his family ----God is really the one that helped them --I am just a servant, only a servant. I know that  God lives and loves us all and that we can always return and feel his love when we are willing to let him in. Only follow good examples okay and remember that Christ lives and that this is HIS CHURCH AND THAT THE GOSPEL IS A GOSPEL OF JOY!!
Elder Gregg Allen